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Who makes GraphApp?
- GraphApp was written by Loki Patrick, as part of
his Ph.D. thesis work. He's donated it freely to the
software developer community and works on it in his
spare time.
- Because this is a not-for-profit site, Loki asks that
you understand that the software is ready when it is
ready, and that updates can't occur regularly.
Nevertheless, Loki tries to update the software as
regularly as he can.
How can I help?
- There are many ways you can help: contribute code, fix bugs or you can donate some money to PayPal to help pay for this site. Please note, the code itself is free, so you don't actually need to do any of that!
- Contributing code: You can contribute code via the message board or by putting your code on the web and pointing people to it using the message board. I may add a Subversion server option one day.
- Fix bugs: As above, you can fix bugs by contributing code, but often you don't need to. Simply reporting the file and line number and symptoms can help. Or, submit a tiny program which demonstrates the problem.
- Donate money: You can donate money directly towards keeping this site up, via PayPal donations to my web hosting account. Here's the button to click:
- Use the same host:
If you're looking for a web host, I can recomment DreamHost, which is my current host for this site.
They increase the bandwidth and disk space every month, and they have quite a professional and high quality hosting service, using multiple Linux servers. They also have a rewards scheme which helps to pay my hosting bills. If you follow the link image on the right
you can sign up for site hosting, and they'll also credit my account with some extra hosting time.